
Yearly Archives: 2020

Linked List Insertion Operation

 Linked List is a Linear Data Structure. In this post, we will discuss Linked List Insertion operation. As we already discussed Linked List in...

LinkedList Implementation using Java

 LinkedList is a Linear Data Structure. It stores the data in the form of Nodes. Unlike Array, LinkedList elements are not stored in the Contiguous...

Stack Implementation using Array in Java

In the previous post, we talked about the Stack Data Structure and its implementation in LinkedList. you can read that post here.  And, in this...

Stack Data Structure in Java

A stack is a linear data structure follows a particular order to perform the operations on it.Stack data structure follows LIFO (Last In First...

Number is Even or Odd without modulus?

The below program provides the logic of how to check a number is even or odd without using modulus operator. But first, check how...

ArrayList in Java

ArrayList is the child class of List Interface, ArrayList implements the resizable or growable array data structure. List Interface is the child of Collection...
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